title: "Overview"
output: rmarkdown::html_vignette
vignette: >
```{r, include = FALSE}
collapse = TRUE,
message = FALSE,
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comment = "#>"
#### *Marcus W. Beck, mbeck@tbep.org*
# Overview
The System Wide Monitoring Program ([SWMP](https://coast.noaa.gov/digitalcoast/data/nerr.html)) was implemented by the National Estuarine Research Reserve System ([NERRS](https://coast.noaa.gov/nerrs/)) in 1995 to provide continuous monitoring data at over 140 continuous monitoring stations in 28 estuaries across the United States. SWMPr (pronounced "swamper") is an R package for retrieving, organizing, and analyzing estuary monitoring data from SWMP. Please cite the package as follows:
*Beck MW. 2016. SWMPr: An R package for retrieving, organizing, and analyzing environmental data for estuaries. The R Journal. 8(1):219-232. https://journal.r-project.org/archive/2016-1/beck.pdf*
# Installing the package
Install the package from CRAN as follows:
```{r eval = F, message = F}
The development (unstable) version of this package can be installed from Github:
```{r eval = F, message = F}
install_github('fawda123/SWMPr', ref = 'development')
# Using the package
A manuscript describing full use of the package is available from the [R Journal](https://journal.r-project.org/archive/2016/RJ-2016-015/index.html). All source materials for the manuscript are available [here](https://github.com/fawda123/swmpr_manu). A brief description of the available functions is provided below. See help documentation for more details on each function (e.g., `?all_params`). All functions are grouped into respective categories that describe their use: retrieve, organize, and analyze. Help files for functions in each category can be viewed as follows:
```{r eval = F, message = F}
help.search('retrieve', package = 'SWMPr')
help.search('organize', package = 'SWMPr')
help.search('analyze', package = 'SWMPr')
all_params | Retrieve any number of records starting with the most recent at a given station, all parameters. Wrapper to exportAllParamsXMLNew function on web services. |
all_params_dtrng | Retrieve records of all parameters within a given date range for a station. Optional argument for a single parameter. Wrapper to exportAllParamsDateRangeXMLNew . |
import_local | Import files from a local path. The files must be in a specific format, specifically those returned from the CDMO using the zip downloads option for a reserve. |
import_remote | Import SWMP site data from a remote independent server. These files have been downloaded from CDMO, processed using functions in this package, and uploaded to an Amazon server for quicker import into R. |
single_param | Retrieve any number of records for a single parameter starting with the most recent at a given station. Wrapper to exportSingleParamXMLNew function on web services. |
site_codes | Metadata for all stations, wrapper to exportStationCodesXMLNew function on web services. |
site_codes_ind | Metadata for all stations at a single site, wrapper to NERRFilterStationCodesXMLNew function on web services. |
cens_id | Creates additional columns in a swmpr object that identify observations below, within, or above the detection limit. |
comb | Combines swmpr objects to a common time series using setstep, such as combining the weather, nutrients, and water quality data for a single station. Only different data types can be combined. |
qaqc | Remove QAQC columns and remove data based on QAQC flag values for a swmpr object. Only applies if QAQC columns are present. |
qaqcchk | View a summary of the number of observations in a swmpr object that are assigned to different QAQC flags used by CDMO. The output is used to inform further processing but is not used explicitly. |
rem_reps | Remove replicate nutrient data that occur on the same day. The default is to average replicates. |
setstep | Format data from a swmpr object to a continuous time series at a given timestep. The function is used in comb and can also be used with individual stations. |
subset | Subset by dates and/or columns for a swmpr object. This is a method passed to the generic `subset’ function provided in the base package. |
aggreswmp | Aggregate swmpr objects for different time periods - years, quarters, months, weeks, days, or hours. Aggregation function is user-supplied but defaults to mean. |
aggremetab | Aggregate metabolism data from a swmpr object. This is primarily used within plot_metab but may be useful for simple summaries of raw daily data. |
ecometab | Estimate ecosystem metabolism for a combined water quality and weather dataset using the open-water method. |
decomp | Decompose a swmpr time series into trend, seasonal, and residual components. This is a simple wrapper to decompose . Decomposition of monthly or daily trends is possible. |
decomp_cj | Decompose a swmpr time series into grandmean, annual, seasonal, and events components. This is a simple wrapper to decompTs in the wq package. Only monthly decomposition is possible. |
hist | Plot a histogram for a swmpr object. |
lines | Add lines to an existing swmpr plot. |
map_reserve | Create a map of all stations in a reserve using the ggmap package. |
na.approx | Linearly interpolate missing data (NA values) in a swmpr object. The maximum gap size that is interpolated is defined as a maximum number of records with missing data. |
overplot | Plot multiple SWMP time series on the same y-axis. |
plot | Plot a univariate time series for a swmpr object. The parameter name must be specified. |
| Plot ecosystem metabolism estimates after running ecometab on a swmpr object. |
plot_summary | Create summary plots of seasonal/annual trends and anomalies for a water quality or weather parameter. |
plot_wind | Create a wind rose using weather data. |
smoother | Smooth swmpr objects with a moving window average. Window size and sides can be specified, passed to filter . |
calcKL | Estimate the reaeration coefficient for air-sea gas exchange. This is only used within the ecometab function. |
metab_day | Identify the metabolic day for each approximate 24 period in an hourly time series. This is only used within the ecometab function. |
param_names | Returns column names as a list for the parameter type(s) (nutrients, weather, or water quality). Includes QAQC columns with ‘f_’ prefix. Used internally in other functions. |
parser | Parses html returned from CDMO web services, used internally in retrieval functions. |
swmpr | Creates object of swmpr class, used internally in retrieval functions. |
time_vec | Converts time vectors to POSIX objects with correct time zone for a site/station, used internally in retrieval functions. |