Package: WRTDStidal 1.1.4

WRTDStidal: Weighted Regression for Water Quality Evaluation in Tidal Waters

An adaptation for estuaries (tidal waters) of weighted regression on time, discharge, and season to evaluate trends in water quality time series. Please see Beck and Hagy (2015) <doi:10.1007/s10666-015-9452-8> for details.

Authors:Marcus W. Beck [aut, cre]

WRTDStidal.pdf |WRTDStidal.html
WRTDStidal/json (API)

# Install 'WRTDStidal' in R:
install.packages('WRTDStidal', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

  • chldat - Monthly chlorophyll time series for Hillsborough Bay
  • daydat - Daily chlorophyll, salinity, and discharge time series for the Upper Patuxent River Estuary
  • tidfit - Monthly chlorophyll time series for Hillsborough Bay as a tidal object
  • tidfitmean - Monthly chlorophyll time series for Hillsborough Bay as a tidal object for the conditional mean model
  • tidobj - Monthly chlorophyll time series for Hillsborough Bay as a tidal object
  • tidobjmean - Monthly chlorophyll time series for Hillsborough Bay as a tidal object, conditional mean model




5.38 score 4 stars 119 scripts 194 downloads 42 exports 97 dependencies

Last updated 1 years agofrom:7e81f8a4a2. Checks:8 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 11 2025
R-4.5-winOKFeb 11 2025
R-4.5-macOKFeb 11 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKFeb 11 2025
R-4.4-winOKFeb 11 2025
R-4.4-macOKFeb 11 2025
R-4.3-winOKFeb 11 2025
R-4.3-macOKFeb 11 2025



Package overview

Rendered fromoverview.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 11 2025.

Last update: 2020-09-17
Started: 2019-11-17

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Akaike's Information Criterion for weighted quantile regressionaiccrq
Simulate a response variable time series using all functionsall_sims
Create annual aggregations of WRTDS outputannual_agg annual_agg.default
Monthly chlorophyll time series for Hillsborough Baychldat
Chlorophyll axis labelchllab
Get trend for a single time periodchngest
Create a grid of half-window widths to evaluatecreatesrch
Daily chlorophyll, salinity, and discharge time series for the Upper Patuxent River Estuarydaydat
Create decimal time from time vectordec_time dec_time.Date
Plot model response to salinity or flow as a lineplot for all monthsdynaplot dynaplot.tidal dynaplot.tidalmean
Add date columns and fill missing values in the interpolation gridsfill_grd
Fill the 'predonobs' attributefillpo fillpo.tidal fillpo.tidalmean
Plot the fitted results for a tidal object by monthfitmoplot fitmoplot.tidal fitmoplot.tidalmean
Plot the fitted results for a tidal objectfitplot fitplot.tidal fitplot.tidalmean
Get weights for regressiongetwts getwts.default
Quantile regression goodness of fitgoodfit
Get colors for plotsgradcols
Plot variable response to salinity/flow as a gridded surface for all monthsgridplot gridplot.tidal gridplot.tidalmean
Kendall seasonal trend testkendallSeasonalTrendTest kendallSeasonalTrendTest.default kendallSeasonalTrendTest.formula kendallSeasonalTrendTest.matrix
Kendall trend testkendallTrendTest kendallTrendTest.default kendallTrendTest.formula
Simulate a discharge time serieslnQ_sim
Simulate random errors from a time serieslnres_err
Simulate a water quality time serieslnres_sim
Fit weighted regression and get predicted/normalized response variablemodfit modfit.default modfit.tidal modfit.tidalmean
Plot number of observations in a WRTDS interpolation gridnobsplot nobsplot.default nobsplot.tidal nobsplot.tidalmean
Plot observed response variable and salinity/flow dataobsplot obsplot.default obsplot.tidal obsplot.tidalmean
Plot combined predicted and normalized results from a tidal objectprdnrmplot prdnrmplot.tidal prdnrmplot.tidalmean
Get salinity/flow normalized WRTDS predictions from interpolation gridsresnorm resnorm.tidal resnorm.tidalmean
Get WRTDS predictions from interpolation gridsrespred respred.tidal respred.tidalmean
Get the scale parameters for predicted valuesresscls resscls.tidalmean
Sample a daily time series at a set frequencysamp_sim
Plot seasonal trends across all yearsseasplot seasplot.tidal seasplot.tidalmean
Plot seasonal model response by yearsseasyrplot seasyrplot.tidal seasyrplot.tidalmean
Plot time slices within a tidal objectsliceplot sliceplot.tidal sliceplot.tidalmean
Create a tidal class objecttidal
Create a tidalmean class objecttidalmean
Monthly chlorophyll time series for Hillsborough Bay as a tidal objecttidfit
Monthly chlorophyll time series for Hillsborough Bay as a tidal object for the conditional mean modeltidfitmean
Monthly chlorophyll time series for Hillsborough Bay as a tidal objecttidobj
Monthly chlorophyll time series for Hillsborough Bay as a tidal object, conditional mean modeltidobjmean
Find the optimal half-window width combinationwinsrch_constrOptim winsrch_constrOptim.default
Evaluate half-window width combinationswinsrch_grid winsrch_grid.default
Find the optimal half-window width combinationwinsrch_optim winsrch_optim.default
Get WRTDS prediction gridwrtds wrtds.tidal wrtds.tidalmean
Use k-fold cross-validation to evaluate WRTDS model fitwrtdscv wrtdscv.default
Get WRTDS performance metricswrtdsperf wrtdsperf.tidal wrtdsperf.tidalmean
Get WRTDS residualswrtdsrsd wrtdsrsd.tidal wrtdsrsd.tidalmean
Get WRTDS trendswrtdstrnd wrtdstrnd.default wrtdstrnd.tidal wrtdstrnd.tidalmean
Get WRTDS trends using seasonal Kendall testswrtdstrnd_sk wrtdstrnd_sk.default wrtdstrnd_sk.tidal wrtdstrnd_sk.tidalmean
Plot the weights for an observationwtsplot wtsplot.default wtsplot.tidal wtsplot.tidalmean