- EBASE::exdatSample data from Apalachicola NERRS
- EBASE::exresExample results for four days from Apalachicola NERRS
- MassWateR::paramsMWRMaster parameter list and units for Characteristic Name column in results data
- MassWateR::thresholdMWRMaster thresholds list for analysis of results data
- MassWateR::paramsMWRMaster parameter list and units for Characteristic Name column in results data
- MassWateR::thresholdMWRMaster thresholds list for analysis of results data
- micromap::OrEcoLevel3Example Dataset: Oregon Level 3 Ecoregion Shapefile
- micromap::USstatesExample Dataset: U.S. States Polygons
- micromap::WSA3Example Dataset: Major U.S. EcoRegions
- micromap::edPovExample Dataset: Education and Poverty Levels
- micromap::lungMortExample Dataset: Lung Cancer Mortality
- micromap::statesFlatfileExample Dataset: A Table of State Polygons
- micromap::vegCovExample Dataset: Vegetation Coverage Percentages
- micromap::OrEcoLevel3Example Dataset: Oregon Level 3 Ecoregion Shapefile
- micromap::USstatesExample Dataset: U.S. States Polygons
- micromap::WSA3Example Dataset: Major U.S. EcoRegions
- micromap::edPovExample Dataset: Education and Poverty Levels
- micromap::lungMortExample Dataset: Lung Cancer Mortality
- micromap::statesFlatfileExample Dataset: A Table of State Polygons
- micromap::vegCovExample Dataset: Vegetation Coverage Percentages
- NeuralNetTools::neuraldatSimulated dataset for function examples
- peptools::beachesBathing beaches
- peptools::dodatDissolved oxygen data for USGS stations
- peptools::entdatRaw beach pathogen data from Suffolk County
- peptools::pepsegPolygon shapefile of segment boundaries
- peptools::pepstationsBay stations by segment
- peptools::peptargetsBay segment targets
- peptools::rawdatRaw data from Suffolk County
- peptools::beachesBathing beaches
- peptools::dodatDissolved oxygen data for USGS stations
- peptools::entdatRaw beach pathogen data from Suffolk County
- peptools::pepsegPolygon shapefile of segment boundaries
- peptools::pepstationsBay stations by segment
- peptools::peptargetsBay segment targets
- peptools::rawdatRaw data from Suffolk County
- SWMPr::apacpnutExample nutrient data for Apalachicola Bay Cat Point station.
- SWMPr::apacpwqExample water quality data for Apalachicola Bay Cat Point station.
- SWMPr::apadbwqExample water quality data for Apalachicola Bay Dry Bar station.
- SWMPr::apaebmetExample weather data for Apalachicola Bay East Bay station.
- SWMPr::stat_locsLocations of NERRS sites
- tbeploads::ad_distanceData frame of distances of segment locations to National Weather Service (NWS) sites
- tbeploads::ad_rainData frame of daily rainfall data from NOAA NCDC National Weather Service (NWS) sites from 2017 to 2023
- tbeploads::dbasingBasin information for coastal subbasin codes
- tbeploads::facilitiesDomestic and industrial point source facilities, including industrial with material losses
- tbeploads::ad_distanceData frame of distances of segment locations to National Weather Service (NWS) sites
- tbeploads::ad_rainData frame of daily rainfall data from NOAA NCDC National Weather Service (NWS) sites from 2017 to 2023
- tbeploads::dbasingBasin information for coastal subbasin codes
- tbeploads::facilitiesDomestic and industrial point source facilities, including industrial with material losses
- tbeptools::acresTampa Bay intertidal and supratidal land use and cover
- tbeptools::benthicdataBenthic data for the Tampa Bay Benthic Index current as of 20241212
- tbeptools::bsmapTerrain basemap
- tbeptools::catchpixelsCatchments and radar pixels (for precip) of selected Enterococcus stations
- tbeptools::catchprecipDaily precip by catchment for selected Enterococcus stations
- tbeptools::enterodataEnterococcus data from 53 key Enterococcus stations since 1995
- tbeptools::epcdataAll bay data as of 20250210
- tbeptools::fibdataAll Fecal Indicator Bacteria (FIB) data as of 20250211
- tbeptools::fimdataFIM data for Tampa Bay Nekton Index current as of 07092024
- tbeptools::fimstationsSpatial data object of FIM stations including Tampa Bay segments
- tbeptools::hcesdfibdataHillsborough County Environmental Services Division (ESD) FIB data as of 20250306
- tbeptools::hmptrgsHabitat Master Plan targets and goals
- tbeptools::iwrrawFDEP IWR run 66
- tbeptools::mancofibdataManatee County FIB data as of 20250211
- tbeptools::pascofibdataPasco County FIB data as of 20250304
- tbeptools::phytodataPhytoplankton data current as of 10312024
- tbeptools::polcofibdataPolk County FIB data as of 20250304
- tbeptools::seagrassSeagrass coverage by year
- tbeptools::sedimentdataSediment data for the Tampa Bay current as of 20241212
- tbeptools::sgmanagementSeagrass management areas for Tampa Bay
- tbeptools::sgsegSeagrass segment reporting boundaries for southwest Florida
- tbeptools::stationsBay stations by segment
- tbeptools::subtacresTampa Bay subtidal cover
- tbeptools::swfwmdtbsegSpatial data object of SWFWMD Tampa Bay segments
- tbeptools::targetsBay segment targets
- tbeptools::tbnirefReference conditions for Tampa Bay Nekton Index metrics
- tbeptools::tbnisppReference table for Tampa Bay Nekton Index species classifications
- tbeptools::tbsegSpatial data object of Tampa Bay segments
- tbeptools::tbsegdetailSpatial data object of detailed Tampa Bay segments
- tbeptools::tbseglinesSpatial data object of lines defining major Tampa Bay segments
- tbeptools::tbsegshedSpatial data object of Tampa Bay segments plus watersheds
- tbeptools::tbshedSpatial data object of Tampa Bay watershed
- tbeptools::tidalcreeksSpatial data object of tidal creeks in Impaired Waters Rule, Run 66
- tbeptools::tidaltargetsTidal creek nitrogen targets
- tbeptools::transectSeagrass transect data for Tampa Bay current as of 11032024
- tbeptools::trnlnsSeagrass transect locations
- tbeptools::trnptsSeagrass transect starting locations
- tbeptools::acresTampa Bay intertidal and supratidal land use and cover
- tbeptools::benthicdataBenthic data for the Tampa Bay Benthic Index current as of 20241212
- tbeptools::bsmapTerrain basemap
- tbeptools::catchpixelsCatchments and radar pixels (for precip) of selected Enterococcus stations
- tbeptools::catchprecipDaily precip by catchment for selected Enterococcus stations
- tbeptools::enterodataEnterococcus data from 53 key Enterococcus stations since 1995
- tbeptools::epcdataAll bay data as of 20250210
- tbeptools::fibdataAll Fecal Indicator Bacteria (FIB) data as of 20250211
- tbeptools::fimdataFIM data for Tampa Bay Nekton Index current as of 07092024
- tbeptools::fimstationsSpatial data object of FIM stations including Tampa Bay segments
- tbeptools::hcesdfibdataHillsborough County Environmental Services Division (ESD) FIB data as of 20250306
- tbeptools::hmptrgsHabitat Master Plan targets and goals
- tbeptools::iwrrawFDEP IWR run 66
- tbeptools::mancofibdataManatee County FIB data as of 20250211
- tbeptools::pascofibdataPasco County FIB data as of 20250304
- tbeptools::phytodataPhytoplankton data current as of 10312024
- tbeptools::polcofibdataPolk County FIB data as of 20250304
- tbeptools::seagrassSeagrass coverage by year
- tbeptools::sedimentdataSediment data for the Tampa Bay current as of 20241212
- tbeptools::sgmanagementSeagrass management areas for Tampa Bay
- tbeptools::sgsegSeagrass segment reporting boundaries for southwest Florida
- tbeptools::stationsBay stations by segment
- tbeptools::subtacresTampa Bay subtidal cover
- tbeptools::swfwmdtbsegSpatial data object of SWFWMD Tampa Bay segments
- tbeptools::targetsBay segment targets
- tbeptools::tbnirefReference conditions for Tampa Bay Nekton Index metrics
- tbeptools::tbnisppReference table for Tampa Bay Nekton Index species classifications
- tbeptools::tbsegSpatial data object of Tampa Bay segments
- tbeptools::tbsegdetailSpatial data object of detailed Tampa Bay segments
- tbeptools::tbseglinesSpatial data object of lines defining major Tampa Bay segments
- tbeptools::tbsegshedSpatial data object of Tampa Bay segments plus watersheds
- tbeptools::tbshedSpatial data object of Tampa Bay watershed
- tbeptools::tidalcreeksSpatial data object of tidal creeks in Impaired Waters Rule, Run 66
- tbeptools::tidaltargetsTidal creek nitrogen targets
- tbeptools::transectSeagrass transect data for Tampa Bay current as of 11032024
- tbeptools::trnlnsSeagrass transect locations
- tbeptools::trnptsSeagrass transect starting locations
- wqtrends::rawdatRaw data from San Francisco Estuary (South Bay)
- wqtrends::rawdatRaw data from San Francisco Estuary (South Bay)
- WRTDStidal::chldatMonthly chlorophyll time series for Hillsborough Bay
- WRTDStidal::daydatDaily chlorophyll, salinity, and discharge time series for the Upper Patuxent River Estuary
- WRTDStidal::tidfitMonthly chlorophyll time series for Hillsborough Bay as a tidal object
- WRTDStidal::tidfitmeanMonthly chlorophyll time series for Hillsborough Bay as a tidal object for the conditional mean model
- WRTDStidal::tidobjMonthly chlorophyll time series for Hillsborough Bay as a tidal object
- WRTDStidal::tidobjmeanMonthly chlorophyll time series for Hillsborough Bay as a tidal object, conditional mean model
- WtRegDO::SAPDCSample dataset for weighted regression
- WtRegDO::metab_dtdEcosystem metabolism for SAPDC from detided DO
- WtRegDO::metab_obsEcosystem metabolism for SAPDC from observed DO
- WtRegDO::sfbaySan Francisco Bay water quality data
- WtRegDO::wtreg_resResults from weighted regression with the SAPDC dataset