1. EBASE::exdat
    Sample data from Apalachicola NERRS
  2. EBASE::exres
    Example results for four days from Apalachicola NERRS
  3. MassWateR::paramsMWR
    Master parameter list and units for Characteristic Name column in results data
  4. MassWateR::thresholdMWR
    Master thresholds list for analysis of results data
  5. MassWateR::paramsMWR
    Master parameter list and units for Characteristic Name column in results data
  6. MassWateR::thresholdMWR
    Master thresholds list for analysis of results data
  7. micromap::OrEcoLevel3
    Example Dataset: Oregon Level 3 Ecoregion Shapefile
  8. micromap::USstates
    Example Dataset: U.S. States Polygons
  9. micromap::WSA3
    Example Dataset: Major U.S. EcoRegions
  10. micromap::edPov
    Example Dataset: Education and Poverty Levels
  11. micromap::lungMort
    Example Dataset: Lung Cancer Mortality
  12. micromap::statesFlatfile
    Example Dataset: A Table of State Polygons
  13. micromap::vegCov
    Example Dataset: Vegetation Coverage Percentages
  14. micromap::OrEcoLevel3
    Example Dataset: Oregon Level 3 Ecoregion Shapefile
  15. micromap::USstates
    Example Dataset: U.S. States Polygons
  16. micromap::WSA3
    Example Dataset: Major U.S. EcoRegions
  17. micromap::edPov
    Example Dataset: Education and Poverty Levels
  18. micromap::lungMort
    Example Dataset: Lung Cancer Mortality
  19. micromap::statesFlatfile
    Example Dataset: A Table of State Polygons
  20. micromap::vegCov
    Example Dataset: Vegetation Coverage Percentages
  21. NeuralNetTools::neuraldat
    Simulated dataset for function examples
  22. peptools::beaches
    Bathing beaches
  23. peptools::dodat
    Dissolved oxygen data for USGS stations
  24. peptools::entdat
    Raw beach pathogen data from Suffolk County
  25. peptools::pepseg
    Polygon shapefile of segment boundaries
  26. peptools::pepstations
    Bay stations by segment
  27. peptools::peptargets
    Bay segment targets
  28. peptools::rawdat
    Raw data from Suffolk County
  29. peptools::beaches
    Bathing beaches
  30. peptools::dodat
    Dissolved oxygen data for USGS stations
  31. peptools::entdat
    Raw beach pathogen data from Suffolk County
  32. peptools::pepseg
    Polygon shapefile of segment boundaries
  33. peptools::pepstations
    Bay stations by segment
  34. peptools::peptargets
    Bay segment targets
  35. peptools::rawdat
    Raw data from Suffolk County
  36. SWMPr::apacpnut
    Example nutrient data for Apalachicola Bay Cat Point station.
  37. SWMPr::apacpwq
    Example water quality data for Apalachicola Bay Cat Point station.
  38. SWMPr::apadbwq
    Example water quality data for Apalachicola Bay Dry Bar station.
  39. SWMPr::apaebmet
    Example weather data for Apalachicola Bay East Bay station.
  40. SWMPr::stat_locs
    Locations of NERRS sites
  41. tbeploads::ad_distance
    Data frame of distances of segment locations to National Weather Service (NWS) sites
  42. tbeploads::ad_rain
    Data frame of daily rainfall data from NOAA NCDC National Weather Service (NWS) sites from 2017 to 2023
  43. tbeploads::dbasing
    Basin information for coastal subbasin codes
  44. tbeploads::facilities
    Domestic and industrial point source facilities, including industrial with material losses
  45. tbeploads::ad_distance
    Data frame of distances of segment locations to National Weather Service (NWS) sites
  46. tbeploads::ad_rain
    Data frame of daily rainfall data from NOAA NCDC National Weather Service (NWS) sites from 2017 to 2023
  47. tbeploads::dbasing
    Basin information for coastal subbasin codes
  48. tbeploads::facilities
    Domestic and industrial point source facilities, including industrial with material losses
  49. tbeptools::acres
    Tampa Bay intertidal and supratidal land use and cover
  50. tbeptools::benthicdata
    Benthic data for the Tampa Bay Benthic Index current as of 03132024
  51. tbeptools::bsmap
    Terrain basemap
    ggmap|461 x
  52. tbeptools::catchpixels
    Catchments and radar pixels (for precip) of selected Enterococcus stations
  53. tbeptools::catchprecip
    Daily precip by catchment for selected Enterococcus stations
  54. tbeptools::enterodata
    Enterococcus data from 53 key Enterococcus stations since 1995
  55. tbeptools::epcdata
    All bay data as of 20240201
  56. tbeptools::fibdata
    All Fecal Indicator Bacteria (FIB) data as of 20240814
  57. tbeptools::fimdata
    FIM data for Tampa Bay Nekton Index current as of 07092024
  58. tbeptools::fimstations
    Spatial data object of FIM stations including Tampa Bay segments
  59. tbeptools::hmptrgs
    Habitat Master Plan targets and goals
  60. tbeptools::iwrraw
    FDEP IWR run 65
  61. tbeptools::phytodata
    Phytoplankton data current as of 03202024
  62. tbeptools::seagrass
    Seagrass coverage by year
  63. tbeptools::sedimentdata
    Sediment data for the Tampa Bay current as of 12142023
  64. tbeptools::sgmanagement
    Seagrass management areas for Tampa Bay
  65. tbeptools::sgseg
    Seagrass segment reporting boundaries for southwest Florida
  66. tbeptools::stations
    Bay stations by segment
  67. tbeptools::subtacres
    Tampa Bay subtidal cover
  68. tbeptools::swfwmdtbseg
    Spatial data object of SWFWMD Tampa Bay segments
  69. tbeptools::targets
    Bay segment targets
  70. tbeptools::tbniref
    Reference conditions for Tampa Bay Nekton Index metrics
  71. tbeptools::tbnispp
    Reference table for Tampa Bay Nekton Index species classifications
  72. tbeptools::tbseg
    Spatial data object of Tampa Bay segments
  73. tbeptools::tbseglines
    Spatial data object of lines defining major Tampa Bay segments
  74. tbeptools::tbsegshed
    Spatial data object of Tampa Bay segments plus watersheds
  75. tbeptools::tbshed
    Spatial data object of Tampa Bay watershed
  76. tbeptools::tidalcreeks
    Spatial data object of tidal creeks in Impaired Waters Rule, Run 65
  77. tbeptools::tidaltargets
    Tidal creek nitrogen targets
  78. tbeptools::transect
    Seagrass transect data for Tampa Bay current as of 04122024
  79. tbeptools::trnlns
    Seagrass transect locations
  80. tbeptools::trnpts
    Seagrass transect starting locations
  81. tbeptools::acres
    Tampa Bay intertidal and supratidal land use and cover
  82. tbeptools::benthicdata
    Benthic data for the Tampa Bay Benthic Index current as of 03132024
  83. tbeptools::bsmap
    Terrain basemap
    ggmap|461 x
  84. tbeptools::catchpixels
    Catchments and radar pixels (for precip) of selected Enterococcus stations
  85. tbeptools::catchprecip
    Daily precip by catchment for selected Enterococcus stations
  86. tbeptools::enterodata
    Enterococcus data from 53 key Enterococcus stations since 1995
  87. tbeptools::epcdata
    All bay data as of 20240201
  88. tbeptools::fibdata
    All Fecal Indicator Bacteria (FIB) data as of 20240814
  89. tbeptools::fimdata
    FIM data for Tampa Bay Nekton Index current as of 07092024
  90. tbeptools::fimstations
    Spatial data object of FIM stations including Tampa Bay segments
  91. tbeptools::hmptrgs
    Habitat Master Plan targets and goals
  92. tbeptools::iwrraw
    FDEP IWR run 65
  93. tbeptools::phytodata
    Phytoplankton data current as of 03202024
  94. tbeptools::seagrass
    Seagrass coverage by year
  95. tbeptools::sedimentdata
    Sediment data for the Tampa Bay current as of 12142023
  96. tbeptools::sgmanagement
    Seagrass management areas for Tampa Bay
  97. tbeptools::sgseg
    Seagrass segment reporting boundaries for southwest Florida
  98. tbeptools::stations
    Bay stations by segment
  99. tbeptools::subtacres
    Tampa Bay subtidal cover
  100. tbeptools::swfwmdtbseg
    Spatial data object of SWFWMD Tampa Bay segments
  101. tbeptools::targets
    Bay segment targets
  102. tbeptools::tbniref
    Reference conditions for Tampa Bay Nekton Index metrics
  103. tbeptools::tbnispp
    Reference table for Tampa Bay Nekton Index species classifications
  104. tbeptools::tbseg
    Spatial data object of Tampa Bay segments
  105. tbeptools::tbseglines
    Spatial data object of lines defining major Tampa Bay segments
  106. tbeptools::tbsegshed
    Spatial data object of Tampa Bay segments plus watersheds
  107. tbeptools::tbshed
    Spatial data object of Tampa Bay watershed
  108. tbeptools::tidalcreeks
    Spatial data object of tidal creeks in Impaired Waters Rule, Run 65
  109. tbeptools::tidaltargets
    Tidal creek nitrogen targets
  110. tbeptools::transect
    Seagrass transect data for Tampa Bay current as of 04122024
  111. tbeptools::trnlns
    Seagrass transect locations
  112. tbeptools::trnpts
    Seagrass transect starting locations
  113. wqtrends::rawdat
    Raw data from San Francisco Estuary (South Bay)
  114. wqtrends::rawdat
    Raw data from San Francisco Estuary (South Bay)
  115. WRTDStidal::chldat
    Monthly chlorophyll time series for Hillsborough Bay
  116. WRTDStidal::daydat
    Daily chlorophyll, salinity, and discharge time series for the Upper Patuxent River Estuary
  117. WRTDStidal::tidfit
    Monthly chlorophyll time series for Hillsborough Bay as a tidal object
  118. WRTDStidal::tidfitmean
    Monthly chlorophyll time series for Hillsborough Bay as a tidal object for the conditional mean model
  119. WRTDStidal::tidobj
    Monthly chlorophyll time series for Hillsborough Bay as a tidal object
  120. WRTDStidal::tidobjmean
    Monthly chlorophyll time series for Hillsborough Bay as a tidal object, conditional mean model
  121. WtRegDO::SAPDC
    Sample dataset for weighted regression
  122. WtRegDO::metab_dtd
    Ecosystem metabolism for SAPDC from detided DO
  123. WtRegDO::metab_obs
    Ecosystem metabolism for SAPDC from observed DO
  124. WtRegDO::sfbay
    San Francisco Bay water quality data
  125. WtRegDO::wtreg_res
    Results from weighted regression with the SAPDC dataset